Wednesday, July 1, 2015

“Skype Click to Call” Negatively Impacts Performance

We have discovered that the Skype Click to Call Extension in Firefox greatly reduces Mosaic worksheet performance.  To avoid this, we recommend that you disable the Extension.

Though we have not tested it, Internet Explorer and Chrome may see slow downs as well.

We believe that the reason lies with this Extension scanning the entire page looking for phone numbers.  Since Mosaic worksheets have a large amount of data, this may explain the slow-downs.


Wednesday, June 17, 2015

New MIME type required for On-premises Mosaic

Sites hosting Mosaic Vivarium on-premises will need to register a new MIME type with IIS:

File name extension .woff2

MIME type application/font-woff2

NOTE:  you should retain the existing .woff extension with MIME type application/x-font-otf




Monday, June 8, 2015

Changes to Animal Health Cases

Coming changes will affect who may access Animal Health Cases on the associated Worksheet.  Read below because there are things you must prepare to maintain proper access.

Normal users who will view health cases will need the “View Health Case” privilege.

Administrators who should see all health cases regardless of ownership will need the “Health Case Administrator” privilege.


ACTION:  We added these privileges before implementing the changes so that you can add the privileges to the desired Roles.  You should do this now if you have not done so already.

For users without “Health Case Administrator” but with “View Health Case” access to individual rows will be governed by the person and group fields on the case:  if you are the person on one of the person fields, or you belong to one of the groups on the group fields, then you may see the case.  For details see this new help topic:


We have ADDED “Veterinarian Group” to the worksheet:


IMPORTANT NOTE:  the “Assigned To Group” is the same field that appears on the Task Worksheet.  Previously, this field appeared as “Veterinarian Group” on the Health Cases Worksheet, but it was really the Assigned To Group.  This was confusing.  Furthermore, some sites require separate Veterinarian/Veterinarian Group columns on the health case so that monitoring may be Assigned To technician/caretaker personnel (using Assigned To/Group) while oversight may be assigned separately to Veterinarian staff (using Vet/Vet Group fields).

NOW:  the Assigned To Group is the same on the Health Cases worksheet as on the Task Worksheet.  The Veterinarian/Veterinarian Group fields apply only to Health Cases and appear only on that worksheet and NOT on the general Task Worksheet.

ACTION:  you will probably want to enter your Veterinarian Group values on the Health Cases Worksheet before the final changes to permissions take effect.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Viewing Images in Mosaic Help Desk

The current version of Atlassian’s JIRA (our Help Desk vendor) produces unreadable, small thumbnails of images in the Customer Portal.  We understand they are working on a fix for this.
Meanwhile, to view these images, you’ll need to use your browser’s capabilities by right-clicking on the image and choosing a viewing option from the menu:

Firefox -
Chrome -

Internet Explorer -

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Chrome 42 on Mac

One of our customers has found that Chrome on a Mac (OS 10.10.2) did not respond to the Silverlight plug-in instructions discussed here

However, this same customer found a solution using the Chrome app shown below.

Meanwhile, we’re continuing our transition completely away from Silverlight.


Screen Shot 2015-04-17 at 7 57 54 PM

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Chrome 42

Chrome (and Firefox) are phasing out support for “NPAPI” plug-ins.  This includes things like Apple QuickTime, but most importantly for Mosaic users, Microsoft Silverlight.

With version 42 Chrome will act like Silverlight is not installed:


To correct this enter


in your browser address bar and locate the setting shown below.  Press “Enable”:


Now the link will read “Disable” and a “Relaunch Now” button will appear at the bottom of your screen.  Press it:


Cage-side Assistant Silverlight functionality will be restored.

You can read more details here:

In particular, read the April 2015 section:  Google is making it “more difficult to navigate, as a means of discouraging NPAPI use by developers.”

The Mosaic team is making progress with the pure-web version of the Cage-side Assistant and expects to meet the September 2015 deadline for loss of browser support for Silverlight.

Additional reference:

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Known Issue: Chrome / Silverlight

The latest versions of Chrome now require users to authorize Silverlight to run.  By following the guide below you can eliminate repeated requests for authorization:
